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IEEE Badge Challenge

IEEE Discover is the first in a series badge recognition initiative that will take participants on a journey of exploration to learn what IEEE offers in relation to its members, various resource and content as well as available topical discussion forums.

IEEE Discover Badge - Now Closed

IEEE Connect Badge - Now Closed

IEEE Collaborate Badge - September 2021

How the challenge works

Participants follow the clues that are placed throughout the platform, perform the activities specified by each clue until you have met the requirements to earn the badge. Awarded badges will be displayed on your profile in IEEE Collabratec and can be shared on Social Media.

The more participants engage the more points they can earn. IEEE will keep a running total on participant points on the Points Leader Board. 

IEEE Badge Hub Community

Earn Your Badge Today!

IEEE Collabratec

Current IEEE Badge Opportunities





Where Will the Challenge Lead You?

Challenge your curiosity and make a difference. 

IEEE badges are awarded by performing a variety of challenges, in specific communities or across several communities on
IEEE Collabratec. 
There are multiple ways to participate and contribute - provide your professional perspective on a topic, show support for others who share their contributions. Claim a published paper, network with peers, join others to solve math challenges, discover IEEE resources important to you. 
Learn more about what Collabratec offers its users.

The IEEE Badge Challenge is a three-part badge series & challenge recognizing individuals for exploring the many facets of IEEE, as well as contributing their thoughts and ideas on topics that matter most to them. 

There will be three badges to earn. 
Earn ALL 3 and get a chance at the Grand Prize!

Women in Leadership - Contributor

Awarded to participants of the Women in Leadership Community who contribute to the conversation regarding topics related to women in engineering, women in STEM or women in leadership.

Volunteer Leadership Training (VoLT) Program - Graduate

Awarded to IEEE Volunteers who complete the two program tracks, and who are interested in taking positions of leadership within their local geographic units and eventually in the larger IEEE.

Professional Networking - Level 1

Awarded to those participants who performed the necessary actions related to Professional Networking Strategies (L-1) within IEEE Collabratec originally launched in February 2019.

Middle Eastern Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Middle East Technology Network community.

Published Author 

This badge is awarded to those who have claimed a published article or conference paper on their IEEE Collabratec user profile.

All Participants Get…

  • Recognition added to users’ profile reflecting their professional identity

IEEE Members also can…

Challenge Benefits

Benefits of Becoming an IEEE Member

Badges Coming in 2021

Use it to Explore IEEE with access to:

  • 400,000 people dedicated to STEM professions

Not an IEEE Collabratec User?

Learn More

Some of the badges are tied to contests, making participants eligible to win prizes. Engage further to accrue points with the ultimate goal of making the Points Leaderboard for further recognition and eligibility to win even more prizes.
Earn your badge today and get recognized by your peers!

Participate in a global technical community, connect with peers, 
and be recognized for your contributions.

Discover, Connect and Collaborate with IEEE Collabratec

  • List of Badges Awarded shown when viewing other users’ profiles
  • Ability to share earned badges to user's network of peers in IEEE Collabratec 
  • Ability to share earned badges to user's social media sites: LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
  • Comprehensive badge page added to users' profile page positioned next to Certificates page
  • List of Badges Awarded on user’s dashboard
  • Participate in exclusive Members-only badges like IEEE Day
  • Help their IEEE Section receive regional and global recognition 
  • Navigate to Section Gateway for updates from their IEEE Section
  • Message or connect with verified, IEEE Members through the membership directory 
  •  5 million+ abstracts from IEEE Xplore
Learn What Participants Receive

"I loved the holistic approach to the DISCOVER BADGE. Earning badges through Collabratec makes me feel unique and I am pleased to find this professional network." 
Pruthvi Katta, Member, IEEE Vizag Bay Sub-Section

"Introduced me to someone with common interests I wouldn't have met otherwise..." 
Hayes Lewis, Senior Member, IEEE Fort Worth Section 

The things you'll discover...

Discover Badge

Awarded to participants who found and completed clues throughout various communities within Collabratec. Launched in April 2020.

IEEE Badge Hub Community

Get Started Here!

The Connect badge challenge is designed to create connections across IEEE’s global technical network. The IEEE Badge journey will introduce you to support and resources available from IEEE, in a fun and interactive way.  Earn a badge and gain recognition for contributing your thoughts and ideas around important technology topics in the STEM professions.

The Connect badge challenge is designed to create connections across IEEE’s global technical network. The IEEE Badge journey will introduce you to support and resources available from IEEE, in a fun and interactive way.  Earn a badge and gain recognition for contributing your thoughts and ideas around important technology topics in the STEM professions.

Connect Badge

Middle Eastern Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Middle East Technology Network community.

North America Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the North America Technology Network community.

Africa Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Africa Technology Network community.

Europe Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Europe Technology Network community.

Asia/Pacific Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Asia/Pacific Technology Network community.

Latin America Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the  Asia/Pacific Technology Network community.

North America Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the North America Technology Network community.

Asia/Pacific Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Asia/Pacific Technology Network community.

Africa Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Africa Technology Network community.

Latin America Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Latin America Technology Network community.

Europe Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Europe Technology Network community.

Latin America Technology Network

Awarded for networking and participating in the Latin America Technology Network community.

  • 130+ communities of diverse topics
  • And much more!

IEEE Corporate Awards Badge

Awarded in recognition of successfully accomplishing the IEEE Corporate Awards 2021 -2022 challenge!


Awarded in recognition of solving 7 puzzles


Awarded in recognition of solving 15 puzzles


 Awarded in recognition of solving 30 puzzles


Awarded in recognition of solving 50 puzzles


 Awarded in recognition of solving 75 puzzles

IEEE Achievement Badges

IEEE Regional Badges

IEEE Puzzler Badges

IEEE Achievement Badges

IEEE Regional Badges

IEEE Puzzler Badges


Awarded in recognition of solving 7 puzzles

Awarded in recognition of solving 15 puzzles



Awarded in recognition of solving 30 puzzles


Awarded in recognition of solving 50 puzzles


Awarded in recognition of solving 75 puzzles